MILLIRE_2019_Annual Report
Milli Re Annual Report 2019 3 Activities and Major Developments Related to Activities Financial Status Risks and Assessment of the Governing Body Unconsolidated Financial Statements Together with Independent Auditors’ Report Thereon Consolidated Financial Statements Together with Independent Auditors’ Report Thereon General Information Financial Rights Provided to the Members of the Governing Body and Senior Executives Research & Development Activities Capital Increases There were no capital increases during 2019. Changes in the Shareholder Structure during 2019 0.31% share of TİBAŞ Staff Pension Fund with a nominal value of TL 2,057,576.40, 0.08% share of Trakya Yatırım Holding A.Ş. with a nominal value of TL 548,690.99 and 0.02% share of Kültür Yayınları İş Türk A.Ş. with a nominal value of TL 155,878.80 were transferred to İşbank and registered in share ledger with the decision no.1304 dated 30 December 2019 of the Board of Directors. Title of Groupama Emeklilik A.Ş., one of the shareholders, was changed to Groupama Hayat A.Ş on 12 April 2019. Ergo Sigorta A.Ş., one of the shareholders, has been taken over by HDI Sigorta A.Ş. on 02 December 2019. Changes in the Articles of Association during 2019 There were no changes in the Articles of Association during 2019. Disclosures on Preferred Shares There are no preferred shares. Shareholder Value of Stake (TL) Stake (%) Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş. 508,573,071.60 77.06 Milli Re Staff Pension Fund 69,604,853.95 10.55 Groupama Hayat A.Ş. 38,809,894.19 5.88 Ankara Doğal Elektrik Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. 22,240,455.60 3.37 T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. 16,430,944.19 2.49 Other 4,340,780.47 0.65 Total 660,000,000 100.00 Note: Shareholders controlling 1% or greater stakes in the Company are shown here above. Türkiye İş Bankası A.Ş. 77.06% T.C. Ziraat Bankası A.Ş. Other Ankara Doğal Elektrik Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. Milli Re Staff Pension Fund 10.55% Groupama Hayat A.Ş. 5.88% 2.49% 0.65% 3.37% SHAREHOLDER STRUCTURE
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