Milli Re Annual Report 2018 8 / General Information MILESTONES 1994 2000 2005 2007 Milli Re Art Gallery, a corporate gallery where art works by prominent local and foreign artists are exhibited, was opened. Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool (TCIP) set up alongside the “Compulsory Earthquake Insurance” system established by the Undersecretariat of Turkish Treasury became operational under the management of Milli Re. Milli Re became the only active local reinsurance company in the Turkish market after the acquisition of Destek Reasürans T.A.Ş. Singapore Branch, which plays an important role for Milli Re in international markets, was opened. 1996 2001 2006 2010 Milli Re Chamber Orchestra was established. The orchestra is made up of artists, most of whom also continue their solo music careers, and the orchestra performs with the participation of renowned local and international artists and conductors. Risk-based Compulsory Reinsurance System came to an end. Milli Re began to write business from international markets. Decree Pool was terminated. Milli Re acquired an additional 35.53% stake in Anadolu Sigorta, another group company. Accordingly, Milli Re, Turkey’s one and only active local reinsurer increased its share in the capital of Anadolu Sigorta to 57.31%, one of the largest and well-established insurance companies in the industry.