Millî Reasürans Türk Anonim Şirketi NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2018 (Currency: Turkish Lira (TL)) (Convenience Translation of Financial Statements and Related Disclosures and Footnotes Originally Issued in Turkish, See Note 2.1.1) 37 Earnings per share Earnings per share are calculated by dividing Group’s net profit of the year to the weighted average number of shares. 2018 2017 Net profit/loss for the period 278.283.572 189.669.469 Weighted average number of shares Earnings/losses per share (TL) 0,00422 0,00287 38 Dividends per share Dividend distribution policy of the Company stated its Articles of Association are as follows: Net profit for the year presents remaining amount of total income of the year after deducting operating expenses, amortisation, provisions, taxes and other similar obligations and prior year losses if any. Net profit is divided and distributed in accordance with order as follows. -- 5% of legal reserve is divided from annual net profit, until it reaches 20% of share capital. -- Amounts described by a and b clauses of 2 nd paragraph of 519 th article of the Turkish Commercial Law will be added to general legal reserves, after legal limit is reached. -- 10% of the remaining net profit amount is distributed to shareholders, as first dividend. -- If the company has acquired his share, according to 520 th article of the Turkish Commercial Law, legal reserve is divided to meet the acquiring amount. -- Reserve for natural disasters and catastrophe might be allocated, if deemed necessary, based on the suggestion of the Board of Directors and decision of the General Assembly, -- After the allocation of first legal reserves, first dividend to shareholders and statutory reserves, up to 3% of the remaining amount not exceeding three-wages is distributed to personnel. -- After the allocation of above mentioned reserves and dividends, second dividend to shareholders might be allocated, based on the suggestion of the Board of Directors and decision of the General Assembly. -- According to c clause of 2 nd paragraph of 519 th article of the Turkish Commercial Law, 10% of total amount distributed to people have share of profit will be added to general legal reserves. -- The fate of remaining amount will be determined by the General Assembly. Judgements of 3 rd paragraph of 519 th article of Turkish Commercial Law are reserved. Other legal reserves can not be divided, profit can not be transferred to next year and share of profit can not be distributed to workers, unless legal reserves have to be divided according to laws and first dividend for shareholders is divided, in accordance with the Articles of Association. It is decided in Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of the Company, held on March 27, 2018, to make a cash dividend payment of TL 50.000.000 to shareholders and to allocate remaining balance as voluntary reserves from the net period income amounting to TL 103.711.833, from 2017 activities of the Company, after the legal reserves are allocated. Paid dividend amount is reflected to financial statements as liability in the period it is declared by the Company. 39 Cash generated from operations The cash flows from operating activities are presented in the accompanying consolidated statement of cash flows. 40 Convertible bond None. 41 Redeemable preference shares None. 42 Risks Millî Reasürans Annual Report 2018 242 / Consolidated Financial Statements and Independent Auditors’ Report