Milli Re Annual Report 2018 General Information / 25 1- Hasan Hulki YALÇIN Director and General Manager Please see Board of Directors page for Mr. Yalçın’s CV. 2- Fatma Özlem CİVAN Assistant General Manager Having completed her secondary and high school education at Robert College, Özlem Civan graduated with a B.A. degree in Business Administration in English from the Faculty of Business Administration at İstanbul University. Between 1990 and 1993, she worked in the Treasury and Fund Management Departments of several banks, embarking on her career in the insurance market in 1994 at the Reinsurance Department of Güneş Sigorta. Leaving her position as Group Manager in charge of Reinsurance, Casualty and Credit Insurance in September 2006, Özlem Civan joined Milli Re the same year. She has participated in a number of training programmes and seminars on insurance and reinsurance, organised by leading international reinsurers and brokers. Özlem Civan has been appointed as Assistant General Manager on 1 September 2011. 3- Vehbi Kaan ACUN Assistant General Manager Vehbi Kaan Acun graduated from İstanbul University, Department of Economics in English. He started his career as an assistant inspector on İşbank’s Board of Inspectors. After serving at İşbank for 8 years, he joined Milli Re in 2006. During his career at Milli Re, he also has been appointed as a Coordinator in the Company’s Singapore Branch. He participated in various seminars and conferences abroad and serves as the Vice President of the Turkish Insurance Institute Foundation Board. Vehbi Kaan Acun has been appointed as Assistant General Manager on 1 February 2016. 4- Şule SOYLU Assistant General Manager Şule Soylu graduated with a B.A. degree in Business Administration from the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences at Anadolu University and received her master’s degree in Financial Institutions from İstanbul University Institute of Business Economy. She began her professional career in Milli Re in 1990 and finished cum laude the Accounting Branch of the Turkish Insurance Institute. Currently serving as a Board Member of Turkish Insurance Institute Foundation and a member of the Financial and Accounting Committee of the Insurance Association of Turkey, Şule Soylu has been appointed as Assistant General Manager on 1 February 2017. 5- Fikret Utku ÖZDEMİR Assistant General Manager Fikret Utku Özdemir holds an Associate Degree in Nuclear Engineering from Hacettepe University and graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Management from the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Middle East Technical University. He holds a Master’s Degree from EDHEC Business School (France). He joined İşbank as a member of the Board of Inspectors in 1996 and served in a number of the Bank’s departments and positions. Fikret Utku Özdemir has been appointed as Assistant General Manager on 15 May 2017. Internal Audit Assistant Manager: Ekin ZARAKOL SAFİ Term of Office: 5 years Professional Experience: 16 years Departments Previously Served: Turkish Reinsurance Pool, Internal Audit and Risk Management Academic Background: Bachelor’s Degree Internal Control and Risk Management Assistant Manager: Duygu GÖLGE Term of Office: 5 years Professional Experience: 23 years Departments Previously Served: Decree Pool Academic Background: Master’s Degree INTERNAL SYSTEMS MANAGERS
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