Milli Re Annual Report 2018 General Information / 5 Milli Re Singapore Branch As part of its strategy to expand to international markets, Milli Re, like many other international reinsurers, examined the benefits of establishing regional branches. Consequently, Singapore Branch was opened in view of the significance of Far East in the global insurance market, as well as its potential business volume and geographical location. Having received the license for operation from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in November 2007, Singapore Branch began writing business from 01 April 2008. With its well qualified and highly experienced workforce of 12 people, Singapore Branch plays an important role in international operations of Milli Re. Anadolu Sigorta Holding 57.31% share in its capital, Milli Re is the principal shareholder of Anadolu Anonim Türk Sigorta Şirketi, one of the largest and well established insurance companies in the Turkish insurance industry.